Privacy Policy

CNR-IFAC Information for the Processing of Personal Data on the EARS Project Website


In conformity with EU Regulation 2016/679, information is rendered to those who interact with the EARS Project website, which is accessible at the following Web address:

The information explains what data is collected when you visit our website, as well as how and why this information is collected and utilised.

The present information is rendered only for the website indicated above and not for other websites that may possibly be consulted by means of links contained in the present website.
This information conforms to the guidelines of websites hosted by Public Administrations.


Data Controller is Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council – CNR), Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 – 00185 Roma, Italy; contact e-mail: privacy[@]

Data Officer Protection of CNR (DOP) , contact e-mail: rpd[@]
The Director of the Institute is the person responsible for the CNR-IFAC; contact e-mail: direttore[@]

Personal Data Processed

Navigation Data
During the common operation, the computer-related systems and the applicable systems dedicated to the operation of the website point out several data (the transmission of which is implicit in the use of communication protocols of Internet) not associated with directly identifiable users.

Among the data collected, the following are included: the IP addresses of the computer utilised by users who are connected to the website, addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in subjecting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the state of the answer given by the server (e.g. good, fine, error, etc.) and other parameters regarding the operative system and the  computer-based environment utilised by the user.

These data are processed for the time strictly necessary for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and for controlling its regular functioning.

Use of Cookies

What are cookies?
Cookies are pairs of strings (name, value, etc.) that websites send to the user’s browser for the purpose of storing various types of information. This information will then be retransmitted by the browser in future accesses to the same site.
For greater and complete information on the use of cookies on the part of the EARS Project website, you are asked to consult the following:

What are cookies used for?
The EARS website ( utilises EXCLUSIVELY technical cookies. It does not install cookies of third parties nor carry out any type of user profiling.

Disabling cookies
The memorisation of cookies on one’s own computer may be disabled by following the instructions given in the succeeding link by the following principal browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer.

Personal data: Collection and use
While our website is being utilised, we collect only your IP address.

Data filing and treatment method
Your personal data will not be memorised on printed paper.
CNR-IFAC uses the safety measures provided by the EU Regulation 2016/679 in order to protect collected data and to prevent the risks of loss or theft, unauthorised access and improper use of data.

Data Use
Your IP address will be used solely for CNR-IFAC’s stated purposes, and it will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party, excluding legal obligations.

Data conservation time
CNR-IFAC will not conserve your personal data any longer than is necessary, but no longer than 5 (five) years after your registration.

If requested by the law, or if it is reasonably necessary in order to satisfy the prescriptive requisites, resolve controversies, avoid frauds and abuses or apply our policies, we may conserve several of your data for a limited period of time, even after your account has been closed or it is no longer necessary to have contact.

Right to update our privacy policy
It must be noted that, in order to have a constant adjustment to the law and the indications of the CNR, we are constantly reviewing how we process and protect data. Therefore, the modifications to our policy can be verified at any moment.

Complaints or questions relative to the privacy and protection of data must be addressed to the person responsible for the protection of CNR data (DOP) contact e-mail: rpd[@]

You will also have the right to make a complaint to the national control authority: The Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali)